Saturday, July 9, 2011

Trekker Wants to Go See Something

                Wallililabou Bay and
         The Pirates of the Caribbean

Trekker Hound has cabin fever, we should say apartment fever.  We have been busy teaching reading, math, and music.  We spend many hours helping to strengthen the Branch President and members.  Elder Henderson is the Branch Executive Secretary.  The Mission Office in Trinidad keeps us swamped with paper-work.  They call me the financial guru.  We are an extension of that office.  Elder Henderson is working on a Food Initiative with the Humanitarian Services of the Church Welfare System.

We finally ventured out to Wallilabou Bay.  This was the filming sight for the 2nd and 3rd Johnny Depp movies "Pirates of the Caribbean."  The sight is not commercialized so it is under-developed.  The location is a beautiful tropical setting.